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Free Fuel from the Sun

Posted on Oct 15, 2012

One of the most extraordinary things about solar energy is that the fuel source is free. As long as the sun shines, solar systems will supply energy. Combined with batteries and other storage systems, solar is well positioned to be the primary energy source of the future.

Of course you first have to make the solar panels in order to harvest all of that energy from the Sun. Passive solar systems simply store heat in the thermal mass already present. Solar thermal systems, made of conventional plumbing materials primarily and some glass, are able to store heat in insulated water tanks, or even in the thermal mass of the systems being heated (a concrete floor for example). Last, but not least, solar photovoltaic panels that can convert sunlight into electricity, are produced primarily using silicon which is the second most abundant material on earth. Electricity generated by solar photovoltaic system can be stored in a wide variety of systems including batteries, water pumping, air compression, and other systems.

So, free fuel doesn't mean we get a free ride as the resource requirements are required up front for solar. One free ride that does come with free fuel from the Sun is no pollution, no noise, and little to worry about as without a fuel source there is little danger from fluctuating source fuel prices.

Solar systems have quite a number of other benefits that may not be as obvious. These include the fact that the materials used to make solar systems can be recycled, little or no maintenance is required, the source fuel sunlight is equitably available everywhere, the technology is essentially open source, and since there is no need to fight for the remaining reserves of a resource security is improved.

Just imagine how this turns the entire world's economic system around. Now, it is becoming less expensive to produce energy locally, rather than shipping it from a few places in the world. The technology is easy for anyone to implement, easiest for the individual at a small scale, while still accessible at the community level as well. Going local with your energy supply makes a big difference in self sufficiency and autonomy. Imagine how hard it will be for the millions of solar companies to "lobby" politicians the way oil and nuclear companies do. Quite literally free fuel from the Sun makes democracy possible.

Clearly there is a bright future with solar leading the way. Free fuel means much more than just less expensive, it also means freedom, equality and democracy. Who knew such a simple thing that we take for granted every day, solar radiation as a free fuel source, could mean so much more. Check it out for yourself. Imagine how things can change as every device, every house, every farm, every factory, and every office starts to use free fuel from the Sun. Through the cleaner air we will see that our future depends upon this simple idea. Free fuel from the Sun. Think about it.

For more information on the benefits of solar see the Photovoltaic energy electricity from the sun a PDF document put out by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association.
